

Sandra Jaime Winston 飾)

Jaime Winston

簡介: Winstone`s credits include the films Bullet Boy (2004), Daddy`s Girl, Kidulthood (both 2006) and Donkey Punch (2008), the television series M.I.T.:Murder Investigation Team, Vincent (alongside her father), Totally Frank, Goldplated and Dead Set and a short film called Love Letters. She was cast in a BBC pilot Phoo Action, but a planned series was cancelled just as filming was about to start. Winstone sings backing vocals for her sister Lois` band. As an actress she has appeared in the music video for The Streets` single "When You Wasn`t Famous", The Twang`s single "Two Lovers", and Hercules and Love Affair`s single "Blind". In April 2009 she co-starred with Alfie Allen in the music video for the Madness single Dust Devil. She made her Catwalk modelling debut in 2008, for Vivienne Westwood and in February 2009 she appeared on the front cover of Arena. In 2009 Winstone worked on the films Elfie Hopkins And The Gammons[3] and Made in Dagenham. She will make her stage debut in a Hampstead Theatre revival of The Fastest Clock in the Universe which will also play at the Curve Theatre Leicester.[4] In March 2010 she was announced as a new patron of the East End Film Festival.[5] Winstone stars in the Stealth Media Group produced thriller film Manor Hunt Ball and based on the novel The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell.[6] The Spring of 2010 also saw Winstone portray Anneli Alderton, one of five women murdered in Ipswich 2006, in the BBC Drama Five Daughters. Alderton was the third girl to go missing in December 2006.

Connie Geraldine James 飾)

Geraldine James


Rita Sally Hawkins 飾)

Sally Hawkins


Eddie Daniel Mays 飾)

Daniel Mays

簡介:2001年,丹尼爾·梅斯因在英國名導邁克·李執導電影《折翼天使》中的精湛演出開始受到矚目。之後他再度跟邁克·李合作《維拉·德雷克》,跟伊梅爾達·斯湯頓合演,這部電影獲得許多獎肯定,包括入圍3項奧斯卡獎、3項英國影藝學院獎及6項英國獨立電影獎。  丹尼爾梅斯的電影作品還包括邁克爾·貝執導的《珍珠港》;雷德利·斯科特執導的《一年好時光》;以及布萊恩·寇克執導的愛爾蘭時代電影《中心鎮》。2006年夏天,他演出喬懷特執導的得獎電影《贖罪》,跟詹姆斯·麥卡沃伊和凱拉·奈特莉合演,改編自伊恩·麥克尤恩的同名小説。他還有演出重拍電影《足球流氓》。  此外,丹尼爾·梅斯也有演出《搖擺嬉皮士》,跟希裏安·墨菲和西耶娜·米勒合演;羅傑·唐納森執導的搶匪賣座片《銀行搶劫案》,跟傑森·史塔森和薩弗蓉·布羅斯合演;尼傑爾·科爾執導的好評片《鐵娘IN工廠》,跟莎莉·霍金斯、米蘭達·理查森和鮑伯霍·金斯合演;以及英國驚悚片《變化》,在倫敦影展首映,並獲得英國獨立電影獎的5項提名,包括丹尼爾·梅斯入圍最佳男配角獎。  丹尼爾·梅斯的舞台劇事業也備受讚賞。2004年,他演出瓦席裏席加列夫(Vassily Sigarev)劇作《Ladybird》。之後他在皇家宮廷劇院演出《Scarborough》;連續演出傑茲巴特華滋劇作《The Winterling》;以及演出賽門史蒂文斯 (Simon Stephen)劇作《Motortown》。  電視方面,丹尼爾梅斯主演BBC 3英國影藝學院獎提名迷你影集《Funland》。他也演出ITV影集《Half Broken Things》,以及BBC 2英國影藝學院獎得獎電視電影《White Girl》。他還有演出Channel 4熱門情境喜劇《Plus One》;以及受歡迎的Channel 4電視電影《小紅帽》三部曲,他在當中的演出獲得一致好評。


演員名 飾演 角色介紹
Miranda Richardson Barbara Castle 暫無介紹
Andrea Riseborough Brenda 暫無介紹
Rosamund Pike Lisa 暫無介紹
Robbie Kay Graham 暫無介紹
Matt King Trevor Innes 暫無介紹
Joseph Mawle Gordon 暫無介紹
Richard Schiff Tooley 暫無介紹
Roger Lloyd-Pack George 暫無介紹
John Sessions Harold Wilson 暫無介紹
Angus Barnett Blue Van Man 暫無介紹
Rupert Graves —— 暫無介紹
Johnny Lynch Reporter #2 暫無介紹
Nicola Duffett Eileen 暫無介紹
Gina Bramhill Hopkin's Secretary 暫無介紹
Cara Bamford Sandra's Friend 暫無介紹
Lee Harris Cameraman / Reporter 暫無介紹
(暫無) Albert 暫無介紹
(暫無) Hopkins 暫無介紹
(暫無) Sharron 暫無介紹
(暫無) River Plant Worker 暫無介紹
Lorraine Stanley Monica 暫無介紹
(暫無) Grataobaont 暫無介紹
(暫無) Ford Factory Worker 暫無介紹
(暫無) Mother 暫無介紹
Alex Moore Fridge Mover 暫無介紹
(暫無) Reporter #1 暫無介紹
(暫無) Kronnfeld 暫無介紹
(暫無) Posy - River Plant Worker 暫無介紹
(暫無) West Ham Supporter 暫無介紹
(暫無) Trevor's Assistant 暫無介紹
Mick Slaney Funeral family member 暫無介紹
Ronald Fernee Jeb Hardey 暫無介紹
Jeanie Gold Passer by 暫無介紹
(暫無) Party Guest / Union Rep 暫無介紹

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